Happy Holidays!

Our office will be closed Monday, December 23, through Wednesday, December 25. We will reopen on Thursday, December 26 for your year-end giving convenience.

Dedication of the new Rob Lieblein and Alera Group Forum

On April 8, 2024, the Shippensburg University Council of Trustees, in recognition of Rob Lieblein’s outstanding philanthropy and commitment to Shippensburg University and its students, named the former Grove Forum, the Rob Lieblein and Alera Group Forum.

Rob, a 1983 Ship grad with a degree in accounting and mathematics/computer science, he began his professional career at KPMG and enjoyed success there for the next 13 years. Always having the desire to be an entrepreneur, Rob left KPMG and started a business with his good friend, John Zentgraf ’80. Over the years, Rob and John acquired several companies, and at the same time started a consulting and investment banking firm that ultimately became focused on the insurance industry. Rob focused his efforts on consulting and investment banking in the insurance industry which led to him being recognized throughout the country as one of the leading investment bankers in the insurance distribution industry. In 2017, to follow his dream of being an entrepreneur, Rob formed the Alera Group. Alera Group is an independent, national insurance and financial services firm created through the merger of 24 like-minded, high-performing, entrepreneurial companies.
While Shippensburg was a tremendous educational opportunity for Rob, the experience went beyond academics and helped to shape his personal and professional life. As a first-year student, Rob joined the Acacia Fraternity, and those experiences and relationships still exist today. Currently, Rob serves on the John L. Grove College of Business Advisory Board, and in 2022, Shippensburg University honored Rob with the Jesse S. Heiges Distinguished Alumnus Award in recognition of his achievements and contributions professionally and in his community.

Giving back to Shippensburg has always been a goal for Rob. “Shippensburg was a life-changing experience for me,” Rob remarks. “From the educational environment that allowed me to be successful in various career opportunities, to the lifelong friends I met who continue to be my best friends. The experience was amazing, and I want others to have the same opportunity.” In 2022, Rob established the Robert J. Lieblein College of Business Scholarship to help deserving students live the Shippensburg University experience. The same year, he made a generous gift to renovate and enhance the Forum in the John L. Grove College of Business so current and future students can benefit from this great learning facility.

ShipGives Happy Hour!

Join the Shippensburg University Foundation and Alumni Relations on April 9 from 5 pm to 7 pm at Appalachian Brewing Company in Mechanicsburg to celebrate ShipGives! Make a gift of $50 or more and pick up your socks!

Register at:  tinyurl.com/ShipGivesHAPPY

ShipGives 2024: April 10 & 11

Help us make this year’s ShipGives our best yet!
Join members of the Ship Family from across the nation, and around the world in banding together in support of Ship students! Your support during ShipGives enables our students, faculty, and campus community to turn knowledge into action to make a real difference in the world.

2023 ShipGives Happy Hour

Tuesday, April 4:  5:30-7:30

Appalachian Brewing Company

6462 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA

All members of the SHIP Family are invited to enjoy light refreshments and a cash bar. Come socialize and celebrate your ShipGives impact! Make a gift of $35 or more to the fund of your choice… and get your 2023 ShipGives Socks!

June 2: Financial & Estate Planning Seminar

Live Well. Leave Well. Plan with a Purpose.
Friday, June 2  |  8:00am–3:00pm
Conference Center at Shippensburg University,
John E. Clinton Building

Thinking about your family and if you have a plan? This seminar is for you! Join the Shippensburg University Foundation for a complimentary, no-obligation financial
and estate planning seminar titled: Live Well. Leave Well. Plan with a Purpose.

Volunteer professional advisors will cover topics including how the new tax laws may
impact your taxes, investments, retirement, healthcare, and estate plans. The keynote speaker is Ryotaro Tashiro from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia who will provide an Economic update.

Complimentary continental breakfast and lunch will be provided for seminar attendees. For more information, call (717) 477-1377 or visit sufoundation.org. Topics may vary depending upon the availability of volunteer experts.

April 4 & 5: ShipGives

Save the Date for ShipGives 2023!

Noon on Tuesday, April 4 through Noon on Wednesday, April 5.

Join us for ShipGives, Shippensburg University Foundation’s 24-hour day of giving. It’s an exciting day when alumni and friends from around the country join the campus community to make an impact for students.

In 2022, 884 Ship family members made gifts totaling $130,965. Save the date and help the Ship family make this our best ShipGives to date!

Plus, the SU Foundation will be debuting another awesome Ship sock. Watch social media for the big reveal.

Transformational Gift Impacts Current and Future Engineering Students

Shippensburg University and the Shippensburg University Foundation are pleased to announce the newly named Milton and Doreen Morgan School of Engineering and Laboratory. The naming, announced during a ceremony on September 27, honors the couple’s transformational gift that will impact university students today and well into the future.

“The desire to achieve perfection drives innovation towards a goal we will never achieve, but as we advance technologically, the demand for engineers in multiple disciplines explodes exponentially. Shippensburg University has taken a leadership position as the only Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education School offering a program with various engineering degrees. Dory and I are thrilled to have a role in advancing this program to the next level, the School of Engineering,” said Milton K. Morgan III ’76.

The School of Engineering offers computer science (ABET accredited), computer engineering (ABET accredited), software engineering (ABET accredited), electrical engineering (ABET accredited), civil engineering and mechanical engineering. In 2020, the university renovated its decommissioned steam plant to create a state-of-the-art lab space where students gain hands-on experience as engineers. All six programs in the school focus on solving real-world problems and prioritize a balance of theory and hands-on experience.

The Morgan’s investment in Shippensburg University students provides for an engineering scholarship endowment, an engineering research endowment, equipment and instrumentation for the engineering laboratory, and angel investment dollars which will provide seed funds for student projects.

Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education Workforce Needs Assessment 2016–2026, a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of occupation demand and education supply across the Commonwealth, projects a 9 percent growth in STEM jobs, including engineers over this period.  An analysis of workforce outcomes for Shippensburg graduates shows that five years post-graduation, 63 percent of Shippensburg’s STEM graduates are employed in the Commonwealth, with a median income of $54,017.

“We are so thankful for the generosity of Milton and Doreen Morgan and excited to advance the School of Engineering through their generous gift. The Morgans value innovation, education, and opportunity, which is what the School of Engineering is all about. We’re honored to carry the Morgan name and know it will inspire the next generation of engineers well into the future,” said Dr. Charles E. Patterson, president of Shippensburg University.

An innovator himself, Milton Morgan began working at J. Walter Miller Company, which was started in a one-car garage in Lancaster in 1887 by his great grandfather. The company grew into a major manufacturer of commercial brass and bronze castings, and in 1986, he was named president of the company. One of the major accomplishments during his presidency was the reduction on the company’s dependency on the fire protection industry from 98 percent to 30 percent of its production, while at the same time continuing to maintain its position as the largest producer of sand cast sprinkler heads in the country. He continued to expand the business by acquiring a machine shop and establishing a consumer products division prior to retiring in 2015.

“Milt and Dory Morgan’s significant philanthropy to the Shippensburg University Foundation will advance the mission of Shippensburg University’s School of Engineering and President Patterson’s vision that will make an immediate and lasting impact on the lives of Ship’s engineering students.  The naming of an academic college or school is the highest level of recognition the university can bestow.  Now the Morgan name will be synonymous with the School of Engineering and the Engineering Laboratory.”  Dr. Leslie Folmer Clinton, president & CEO, Shippensburg University Foundation.

For more information on the Milton and Doreen Morgan School of Engineering visit ship.edu/engineering.

Ship Students would love to talk to you!

Every gift matters! Any way it is measured—by participation or by dollars, —giving to support SHIP matters. It matters to our students, who benefit from expanded opportunities for scholarships, research funds, text books, and more.

SU Foundation phonathon callers, who are current Ship students, are working hard to raise funds to supports students like them. Please take their call, every gift matters, no matter the amount, $5, $50, $500 or more.